Area Rug Cleaning in Chestnut Hill, Towson

In order for your rugs to stay beautiful and attractive, they must undergo a regular cleaning. While you may vacuum your area rugs weekly, there are two primary reasons why you should hire a professional from Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson to take care of your rug cleaning needs.

Get Rid of Allergens and Stains

Tackling the stain on your rugs involves much more than the standard application of blotting up the mess before spritzing it with a cleaner. Effective stain removal means getting the stains out of the rug fibers before it can permanently set and begin breaking down the carpet fibers. Regularly deep cleaning your area rug will help ensure that the deep inner fibers stay free of germs, stains and substances that could significantly shorten the lifespan of your rug. In addition, rug cleaning on a regular basis is vital to removing common allergens such as dust, pollen and dander.

The Right Care for Every Rug

Do you own a gorgeous Persian rug that you specifically picked out for your Towson, MD home, but are unsure how to get it clean? You are right to be cautious as the wrong method could permanently damage your beautiful oriental rug. A Persian rug is not the only type of floor covering that needs special care, though. An antique wool rug and painstakingly hand woven rugs demand specialized care in order to continue looking and feeling as good as the first day you brought them home. Our rug cleaning service is the natural choice. Not only are our talented rug cleaners armed with cleaning solutions that gently yet effectively remove debris, dirt, grime and allergens, they are also experienced in the techniques that enable these substances to be removed in ways that do not harm your rugs.

Our Rug Cleaning Services in Towson:

  • Effective Deep Cleaning: Our comprehensive inspection and specialized techniques for a complete cleaning remove filth, dust, allergies, and difficult stains.
  • Experts in Odor and Stain Removal: Trust our skilled specialists to remove a wide range of stains and odors, restoring your rug to its original condition using safe and effective cleaning techniques.
  • Precise Gentle Hand Washing: Our gentle hand washing procedure preserves the beauty of fragile rugs by ensuring that complex designs and brilliant colors remain intact.
  • Specialized Pet Stain and Odor Removal: Say goodbye to unsightly markings and odors left by your pets. Our specifically developed solution removes stains and neutralizes odors, leaving your carpeting fresh and clean.
  • Enhanced Fringe and Edge Cleaning: Maintain the beauty of your rug by paying special attention to the fringes and edges. Our crew guarantees that they are fully cleaned and restored, increasing the overall attractiveness of your rug.

Additional Services

At Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson, we provide a comprehensive range of services to help you maintain a clean and healthy living environment. Our offerings include:

Each service is designed to enhance your home's hygiene and comfort, ensuring every corner is spotless and well-maintained.

In-Depth Rug Cleaning Process:

Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson strives to provide superior rug cleaning services through our attentive and complete approach. Our thorough rug cleaning technique is meticulously designed to revitalize and restore your precious rugs, maintaining their pristine state for years to come. Our step-by-step rug cleaning process:

  1. We carefully examine your rug, noting its distinguishing features and finding any specific problem areas that require special attention.
  2. Using cutting-edge equipment, we expertly eliminate deep-seated dust, filth, and allergens while protecting your rug's delicate fibers.
  3. Stubborn stains are treated with appropriate solutions to properly lift and dissolve them without affecting the integrity of your rug.
  4. We treat your rug with a specialized cleaning procedure based on its material, weaving, and condition, assuring an effective and safe cleaning process.
  5. Our professionals use delicate yet thorough handwashing methods to clean every inch of your rug, paying special attention to intricate patterns and fringes.
  6. We thoroughly rinse away any residue, leaving your rug clean and free of any cleaning agents. To speed up the drying process, excess water is carefully eliminated.
  7. Your rug is dried in a controlled environment, preventing mold and mildew growth and restoring its original texture.
  8. Before returning your rug, we perform a thorough last examination to guarantee that it fulfills our exacting quality standards, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Cost of Rug Cleaning Services in Towson, MD

What are the costs of our rug cleaning services here in Towson, MD? This is one of the most commonly asked questions by customers, and the answer is simple: it depends. We price tailor-made for you based on several factors, including the relative size of a particular rug in question, the type that it is made out of - silk, wool, or other material - existing soil levels, and any extra treatments that are needed.

At Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson, we believe in transparent pricing, which is why we offer a free estimate to all our customers. After testing your rug to determine its shape and how clean you would like us to help make it, we will give you a comprehensive quote for the cost of cleaning that includes all specifics about your considerations.

We recognize that price is a key concern for many of our clients, which is why we also tailor our offers with the budget-minded in mind. Whether you have just a small rug or a huge luxurious Oriental rug, we will help you save money by getting things right the first time and restoring your valuable asset to its original beautiful state.

Towson's #1 Choise for Area Rug Cleaning

Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson has years of experience in providing top-notch rug cleaning services for Baltimore County homes, businesses, and commercial properties. We can clean your rugs at your location or we offer free pickup and drop off to clean them at our warehouse.

Call us today so we can help you keep your rugs in pristine condition for years to come.

Chestnut Hill Carpet & Upholstery Protectors Chestnut Hill oriental rug repair


How often should I have my rugs professionally cleaned?

The frequency at which your rugs should be professionally cleaned depends upon several factors, such as how much "traffic" goes over them, pets leaving fur, and when they are subjected to particular dust and allergens. We suggest having your rugs cleaned professionally at least once a year simply because, as experience has shown time and time again, this makes them last longer in appearance and feel. However, high-traffic areas may require more frequent cleaning to remove dirt and stains effectively.

Can you clean all types of rugs?

Yes, Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson has a long history of dealing with every rug and fabric imaginable: wool, silk, synthetic materials, Oriental/Persian, and the rest. Our staff has received special training to handle these delicate fibers and intricate designs with care. Rugs can be cleaned safely and effectively.

Do you offer pickup and delivery services?

Yes, we know that it can be hard for our customers to move big rugs; that's why we offer easy pickup and delivery services in Towson, MD. Our staff will carefully pick up your rugs from your home or office, bring them to our cleaning center, and then bring them back to you when they're dry and clean. This easy-to-use service lets you enjoy clean rugs without any trouble.

How long does the rug cleaning process take?

The rug cleaning process itself takes various periods depending on the size and degree of soiling of the rug, as well as any special treatments called for. Most rugs will be cleaned and dried in 7-10 days. However, certain factors, such as heavy stains or delicate fibers, may extend the cleaning time. No matter what, our team will keep you in the loop with updates throughout the process and give you an estimated time for completion.

Are your cleaning products safe for children and pets?

Yes, you know we rate our clients, their wee ones, and animals above all! Because of that, we use environmentally and child-friendly products in our cleaning process. Our products are specially formulated to work efficiently in extracting dirt and stains yet be kind to the environment and safe for use around children or pets. You can relax with peace of mind because your rugs are being cleaned by an industry that is both effective and environmentally responsible.

Residential Cleaning Service Chestnut Hill, Towson Satisfaction Guaranteed! Your Local Carpet Cleaning Provider in Chestnut Hill, Towson
Feet Up Carpet Cleaning of Towson
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
Phone: 443-608-5358 [map & reviews]
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